Wednesday 29 August 2012

Creeping on in....

Oh man! I can't believe it is nearly September already. It feels like summer hasn't even started yet. I have lived in the UK for 6 years and I have to say - Worst Summer Ever. I have only needed to water my garden about 3 times over the whole of summer. Normally I am out there watering morning and night. The sweetpeas Max and I planted haven't even flowered due to lack of sun. (I know how those sweetpeas feel!!!)
I have noticed a few things which have been freaking me out....
 Waking up to windows covered in dew, decidedly golden looking leaves on a few trees, and racks of Autumn fashion in the stores. Blah!
September is going to pass in a blur. My parents arrive from New Zealand tomorrow, Max turns 4 on Sunday and I am having my surgery next Tuesday. CRAZY!
Does anyone have any tips on making dinosaur cakes? Max has asked for a blue Ankylosaurus birthday cake. I had to google Ankylosaurus!


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